Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Honest to Blog

I went to the movies yesterday because I decided that I needed to get out of the penthouse more often, especially since all weekend I did nothing but drink. It's what you're do when unemployed and school isn't in session, I guess. Still, drinking by yourself is a lot different than drinking in crappy basement parties surrounded by your peers. Then I kept thinking about what my story would be like if I went on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.

I enjoyed the movie I saw (more on that later), but I ended up losing a bunch of money yesterday. I bought a new MetroCard and prompty lost it. I bought my ticket online using Fandango but took the wrong train to the theater and ended up getting hella lost on the Lower East Side. I spilled nacho cheese all over my white shoes and it won't come out. I must have done something to deserve such bad karma, but I am sick of the world kicking me in the balls.

Anyway, I saw Juno and loved it. I had heard that it was "kind of Minnesotan", but that movie is absolutely 100% Minnesotan, and I'm sure I would have liked it enough had I not come from the Gopher State, but I think that much like Drop Dead Gorgeous, one gets additional enjoyment out of it seeing their home state being represented so well.

Today I am to sort out the red tape at my school that would make FEMA blush, then I'm to do 25 loads of laundry, and then I have to take this proficiency exam thing. I'm waiting for Target to call me, only to possibly turn them down, since they had me sign what my availability was three times and now thanks to this joke of a school my schedule has been completely re-shuffled. Laleh is visiting this weekend and I want to be excited, but I can't help but think how much cleaning I will have to do, how I have absolutely no money to entertain her or give her a real New York City experience, how my life is an illusion. I had to go to the CollegeBoard website today and all that website does is depress me. I have been to two different colleges, and neither time was I there for the right reasons.


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