Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Comedy Debut

Last night in Chelsea, I went to a show called The Happy Hour and a Half and did five minutes of stand-up comedy! Stand-up comedy is something that I always wanted to do, but I would say "Oh, I'm going to do comedy" in the same way I would say "Oh, I'm going to join a gym." I never did it in Minneapolis, but once I arrived in NYC, I decided to join the literal millions of OTHER aspiring comics.

I performed in front of about six other people ... but they were the best six people anybody could ever have for their first audience! They are all actual working comedians, so it was a big honor for them to laugh at my stuff and they even gave me some pointers about the social networking aspect of NYC comedy after the show; one of them even said, "If we didn't think you were funny, we wouldn't be talking to you right now." Hooray!

You would think I'd be inspired, but then today I stayed in bed all day and missed the CUNY Proficiency Exam. Oops! But perhaps that was my 'rock bottom' moment, and tomorrow I will be in French I bright and early at 9:15, and on Friday I am going to suck up my pride and apply at Target, because some money is better than no money, and you know I love to wear red.

Peace out,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.