Wednesday, September 5, 2007

So my computer finally arrived today, and I'm still figuring out why I have this blog, as opposed to my more personal,"today I did laundry" blog. I've decided this blog is for people who don't really know me, and isn't meant to be very intimate or deep, but yet I should still introduce myself somehow.

In my Intro to Acting class, we had to make 30-second commercials about ourselves, and I decided to sell myself as being Inconsistent. I am inconsistent because:

*My DVD collection contains Step Up, She's The Man ... and WrestleMania 23.

*I'm pretty far left-wing, yet one of my favorite shows is The O'Reilly Factor, and one of my favorite guests is Michelle Malkin.

*I'm a buck twenty soaking wet but I will drink you under the table and then some.

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